Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Guest post!

Hey folks!

Just wanted to drop in and say I'm working on some blog posts to get back on a regular thrice a week schedule here. Been pretty busy still but I did write a little opinion piece for a blog about Video Games called Theory Of Game by Justin Hebert. Go check his blog out and you'll see my video game related rants and raves from time to time..
Anyways, if I had all my pics uploaded I'd give you a Vivi update like I've been promising, but I don't and I'm watching a movie so I'll get em up soon.

Oh, and for those that are interested, Paranormal Activity 2 (in theaters now) is about what you'd expect from a sequel to that movie, but explains the first movie in a plausible way (unless you saw the alternate ending...). Either way, I'd call it a "Rent", not a see-it-in-the-theaters-like-I-did movie.

Listen to my band now! The Long Black Veils!!


  1. wtf this is a blog
    update it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. this is a blog? Ah shit I guess it is! Otay, updates coming!


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