Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Debut Album Super Happy Good Times!

Hey folks!

So if you've read this blog for a while, you know I'm in a band. If you don't, hey, I'm in a band. Anyway, our long awaited and hard work filled debut album is out now! Available on HERE ON AMAZON and soon to be available on iTunes and everywhere else.

Buy It Please! Enjoy It Too!

You say I'm shamelessly self-promoting? Well, Duh! We've been working our asses off on this for a while now and I'm proud of it! We self produced the entire album except for having it mastered at a local studio, and we learned a lot in the process.

Everyone who buys the album is helping to fund us as we are still coming up with the cash to press the first limited run of 100 physical CD's. We are already hard at work on the second album, and have at least 2 more in the works to boot!! This is our passion, each of us has a part of us in this album. There was a lot of blood, sweat, tears, and alcohol to make this album, and every single one of those is literal!

That's it for now, been so busy with the band I haven't had time to finish any papercraft! Its been a very hectic few months for this little geek. Share the link around and enjoy people!

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Get off the LagWagon!

Hey Folks!

I've been having trouble lately, and its with my PC. Games that I have been playing for a long time with this rig are starting to lag. Most of the new games I get do the same. I've searched everywhere for a solution. From updating all of my drivers, to creating a new hardware profile strictly for gaming (can't even print in that profile.).

Well I never found one. I'm buying a GTX 650 after the new year. But for now I found a bandaid. Instead of dropping to unplayable fps levels, I can now run everything at a minimum of 20+fps. Yeah, I know, not stellar, but playable. Here's how:

So thanks for reading, thanks for watching, and have a great day!