Monday, October 4, 2010

Re-blog Paranormal Halloweeny part 2

Hey Folks!

This is Part 2 of my Paranormal themed posts for the howl-o-ween season, you can get an idea of how I think and my religiosity through these posts, but also a glimpse into how the field of Paranormal Investigation isn't a bunch of kids breaking into abandoned houses and scaring themselves silly. The next two posts will be a bit more technical, but this post is personal, since I'm talking about my own beliefs and procedures. Comment, follow, share, etc :)

"This will be sort of a continuation of the first post I made. Of a more general nature, and with more thoughts than references.
Whenever I put forth my view of the paranormal in relation to Christianity, I get replies similar to those comments left for my last post. (thank you to those who commented). So invariably I have to delve deeper into my own theosophy (theology\philosophy, I made a new word.) of the subject.
I think the term "all things in moderation" fits well here. When I was a non-Christian, I engulfed myself in the occult and the paranormal, and I brought others with me as well. Its a burden I will bear for the rest of my life. Imagine bringing others to the occult, equipping them with knowledge and experience in the ungodly, then setting them on the path of wickedness, only to become a Christian later on in life. I imagine it is somewhat similar to how Saul\Paul felt after he was made blind and came to Christ.
While I was in the condition of the non-believer, I delved as deep as my own fear would allow, stopping short only when in fear of death either physical, or (if indeed possible) spiritual. So while my experience is extensive, I wont be telling fantastic stories of the kind, because it serves only to glamorize the lifestyle, and I stand against that. Instead I will attempt to use my experience to shed some light on the subject of the paranormal, and in turn show that it can be fascinating without being detrimental to life or faith.
As I said, moderation is the key. I dont devote myself to anything besides my family and God. I try to spread my time equally amongst my many hobbies after the first two priorities have been seen to.
Much like others I have talked to, I have a very strong urge and impulse to delve into the paranormal, be it ghosts, demons and angels, the enochian keys, astral travel, or anything else that doesnt involve drug use. I have found that when I let my urges get the best of me, I get set on a downward spiral, and my quality of life in general starts to decline drastically. I have also found then when I adhere to the guidelines I've set for myself, I do just fine.
Number 1. I dont do E.V.P.'s, or Electronic Voice Phenomenon. The Bible strictly forbids trying to make contact with the dead. Conducting an EVP session involves asking questions to any entity that may be in the vicinity and reviewing audio tape later to check for responses. If someone brings me an EVP to listen to, I will on occasion. But I will never participate in the EVP session itself. I also count the "mexican ultrasound", Ouija boards, ball or bowl scrying, and other such things in this rule.
Number 2. I dont research occultic religions too deeply. What good is it to me to know the kinds of herbs and stones used in a Gardenarian Wiccan Solstice Ceremony? To know of the ceremony, and the purpose of it, is plenty of reference material for discussion, debate, and interest.
If I hold myself fast to those 2 guidelines, I dont seem to have a problem. I can observe, categorize, document, and analyze anything paranormal, as long as I do it from a perspective of a Christian, and not just someone interested in the paranormal.
So you have my viewpoints and personal rules so far. I apply them to the entire range of things considered "paranormal", from UFO's to Shamanism, from ghosts to Satanism, and everything in between. Id like to know what you think, Whether you be Christian or not, skeptic, investgator, non-believer, or debunker, I am interested in all opinions and views.
Im open to questions, Ill post a blog in response to any good question I get. Also suggestions, if you feel you want to hear what I have to say on any given subject, simply let me know, and I will do my best to respond."

That's it for today, I think I'll post the other two over the next two days so I can get back on my regular schedule and get some music and papercraft posts up soon. Thanks for reading, Leave a comment!!

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