Monday, October 18, 2010

More Vivi!!

Hey folks!
Got another Vivi update for you! I'm not quite done yet, been busy with my band and other such things, but here is the progress I've made on the awesome mage hat!
The brim of the hat, its actually 2 pieces top\bottom
The underside glues to the top
This piece was easy to attach
This piece was NOT easy lol it fits weird and is bigger than the piece it glues to
this is when it starts to look cool
Now all that's left is the Arms\hands and to finish the hat and I'll be done! I'm very proud of this model, even though it does have some mistakes. It's the biggest and most difficult I've done so far :) Stay tuned for the full model in completion very soon!!

Comments are appreciated :D


  1. The face is actually only 1 piece, and its the last piece to put on, it joins the hat to the body so it'll be the finishing touch :) thanks for the question!

  2. face now!!!! you homersexual

  3. Look at this country: "U R GAY" hehehehe


Tell me what you think about what I think!