Thursday, March 3, 2011

Hey Hey Hey! It's Fat Zombie_slag!

Hey folks!

I've been fairly busy with life lately, got my Class A CDL with all my endorsements, that means I can legally drive a rig with any trailer (or two!) behind it. So watch out, that tanker full of jet fuel next to you on the highway may very well be yours truly!
Not actually me.
Got a lot of other stuff going on as well. For those of you who read this blog for the Papercraft side of things, well bad news, I'm waiting on my printer ink to be shipped to me. HP  56+57 ink is waaaaaaaaaaaaaay too expensive! almost 60$ at wal-mart!! So I ended up paying around 20$ for it on ebay and waiting forever for it to ship. BUT! As soon as I get it I'll be working on my next model, which is a toss up between a few Super Mario Bro's characters. (I've got a feeling it will be Mario lol).

The biggest news is that I'm getting smaller! For now anyways lol. Being 5'11" and 250lbs isn't healthy. This has been brought to my attention plenty of times, but I've finally done something about it. Starting March first I went on a low carb diet and started an exercise regimen! So far I;ve lost 5 lbs (according to my messed up bathroom scale) but my goal is to get to, or under, 200lbs. At the rate I'm going I'll be a svelt 200lbs in only 60 days. I really don't see that happening but my goal is 10 lbs of weight loss each month on average.

Just to give you all a reference, here's me at about 15ish:
Im the skinny dude on the right
Here is me a few months ago after a 20 minute jog, at 27:
Get in mah BELLY!
As you can see, its about time I drop the tireshop around teh middle. So you'll be seeing the progress here. Hopefully. I hope there's progress to post. Yeah.

See you next time!

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