Wednesday, November 17, 2010

New blades, less pain, and boobies!

Hey folks,
 Just dropping in to show off some of the new papercraft gear I picked up:

The blade is an X-acto Gripster knife, which takes standard #11 blades, has a rigid design like the oldschool knives with the unscrew blade removal. A slightly larger diameter on the handle coupled with the different material for the grip gives this blade a much more comfortable feel. I paid 7$ at wal-mart as an impulse buy and the only color they had was pink, but if you have the time you can get it cheaper and in different colors by shopping online. Check it out here.

The mat is an X-acto Self Healing cutting mat. Basically its made of a rubberized polymer that closes up after being cut. Using anything else is counter intuitive, but with a price of 10$ for a 12X12 mat this might be a bit of a spend for those on a budget or not wanting to drop a lot of cash onto a hobby. I found mine at wal-mart again on a Halloween shopping trip and again it only came in pink, but I'm willing to forgo looks for functionality, and this thing is 100% functionality. From the 1/2 inch grid pattern to the 30-45-60 degree angle marks, this mat is a papercrafters dream. I actually can't find these for sale online anymore, but check your local wal-mart or office supply store or a crafting store to find them.

My wife thought these were breast cancer awareness items and that's why they came in pink, but I couldn't find anything on any website that suggested that, so I don't think so. Since she brought it up though,  go Donate and save somebodies boobies and maybe even a life. It's a more than worthy cause for your dollar.


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