Thursday, April 14, 2011

Type O Negative - Dead Again

For those of you who don't know, Peter Steele, aka Petrus T. Ratajczyk (January 4, 1962 – April 14, 2010) passed away a year ago today. I will never forget the first time I listened to his band Type O Negative.

My brother bought October Rust and listened to it from start to finish. I then took it from his room, put the album on repeat, and didn't stop listening to it. I sat in my room for hours on end that day, reading books, writing, and just zoning out, with that album playing nonstop. I don't think I can really remember another day that music meant so much to me coming out of a stereo in my room.

Since then I've followed every release, and gone back to past releases, Bloody Kisses is an album no one should miss out on, but I'm glad October Rust was my introduction, as it will forever hold a place in my heart reserved for things like love, pain, ecstasy and despair. 

I was 13 then, and already had too much on my mind, but it all went away that day for those hours of peace. I miss Type O and Peter for the peace they brought to my mind whenever I listen to their music. I'm glad I have so many albums to rely on.

For those of you that know, you know. For those of you that don't yet know, it's time to find out. Seek out all the Type O Negative albums. Devour them. Experience them the way I did, in your own way, and give thanks and sit for mourning. This world has lost so many musical talents, but I think none so understated and under-appreciated as Peter Steele. May you rest in peace, thank you for your soul in my headphones.

Lay your head down for the last time.


  1. oh so you finally admit to taking my cd's huh

  2. that was pretty good
    but a little emo

  3. yeah I was drinking pretty heavily when I wrote that so it might have come off a little emo lol

    and I dont have a brother named Anonymous, so no, I didn't take your cd's! besides i gave it back lol


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