Saturday, April 28, 2012

It Begins!

Hey folks! So I put a little time in today on the papercraft, got some progress made.

This is going to be a multi-part set, but I'm really excited about the first piece! I've only got a couple of pics for you today, as my droid is recharging, but the best part is that I finished about half of the Ash model!

I like to do the hardest parts first, while I'm fresh and my hands feel good, so that's what I did, so here's the pics

Mah Boomstick!
 The Boomstick was a really interesting piece, I've never seen a model that used rolled pieces along with folded pieces, rolling, folding, and gluing them all together. It was a little bit of a trick to get it right, but you'll see in future posts how I got it done.

Ash, Boomstick, Autohand, Chainsaw
There's the boomstick in its finished form, a very simple but oddly and interestingly designed piece. Of course Ash's head looks funny at that angle, but its pretty cool. The autohand was very simple and easy to build. The chainsaw was simple, but I left a piece off because it looked funny, and who needs a safety guard on a chainsaw that's mounted to their wrist?

Anyhoo, I've got tons of pics, a vid or two, once I'm done (same style as my Vivi and Boo vids), and plenty more "what I learned doing this model" moments. I think I've learned something new with every model I've done since the very first one!

Hope to see you back soon!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

I'll Swallow Your Soul!!!

Hey folks!

Today marks my triumphant return to papercraft and this blog!

My printer has been dead for quite some time, and I've been pretty busy with work and my band The Long Black Veils. Well I've got a new printer now and I'm just as busy with everything, but I gots ta do me some papercraftin!

The models I'm working on today are very simple, but very awesome, and since I'm out of cardstock (I use 110lb, the lighter of the cardstocks) I figured a simple yet cool model would be good for A4 (standard printer paper).

Anyways, I've just got it printed out and started cutting when the kid woke up so looks like I'll be posting the progress and pics later, but for now here's a teaser, Ash Uncut!