Hey folks!
Just wanted to drop in and say I'm working on some blog posts to get back on a regular thrice a week schedule here. Been pretty busy still but I did write a little opinion piece for a blog about Video Games called Theory Of Game by Justin Hebert. Go check his blog out and you'll see my video game related rants and raves from time to time..
Anyways, if I had all my pics uploaded I'd give you a Vivi update like I've been promising, but I don't and I'm watching a movie so I'll get em up soon.
Oh, and for those that are interested, Paranormal Activity 2 (in theaters now) is about what you'd expect from a sequel to that movie, but explains the first movie in a plausible way (unless you saw the alternate ending...). Either way, I'd call it a "Rent", not a see-it-in-the-theaters-like-I-did movie.
Listen to my band now! The Long Black Veils!!
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Monday, October 25, 2010
update on ME!
hey folks!
Just wanted to let you know, I'm still here, still working on my Vivi papercraft (almost done!!!!) still fishing and still playing in my band The Long Black Veils.
I've been busy with home life and working on getting some training (unemployment doesn't pay as well as I'd like :) ) playing live shows with the band and being busy with family life, but I'll have a Vivi update soon, as well as a new blogroll link for a friend of mine who is starting a video game blog that I'll be contributing to (vidya games are awesome!).
In the meantime, let me point out to you a few things completely awesome:
In the realm of papercraft: EVIL DEAD!
In the realm of fishing: Trout Ninja!
In the realm of random awesomesauce: Absolute Zero!!
Look foward to some random rations coming soon including a papercraft gift for a relative in law, a fishing report from the upper Kings river, and hopefully the completed Vivi by the end of the week!!!!
Just wanted to let you know, I'm still here, still working on my Vivi papercraft (almost done!!!!) still fishing and still playing in my band The Long Black Veils.
I've been busy with home life and working on getting some training (unemployment doesn't pay as well as I'd like :) ) playing live shows with the band and being busy with family life, but I'll have a Vivi update soon, as well as a new blogroll link for a friend of mine who is starting a video game blog that I'll be contributing to (vidya games are awesome!).
In the meantime, let me point out to you a few things completely awesome:
In the realm of papercraft: EVIL DEAD!
In the realm of fishing: Trout Ninja!
In the realm of random awesomesauce: Absolute Zero!!
Look foward to some random rations coming soon including a papercraft gift for a relative in law, a fishing report from the upper Kings river, and hopefully the completed Vivi by the end of the week!!!!
Monday, October 18, 2010
More Vivi!!
Hey folks!
Got another Vivi update for you! I'm not quite done yet, been busy with my band and other such things, but here is the progress I've made on the awesome mage hat!
The brim of the hat, its actually 2 pieces top\bottom |
The underside glues to the top |
This piece was easy to attach |
This piece was NOT easy lol it fits weird and is bigger than the piece it glues to |
this is when it starts to look cool |
Now all that's left is the Arms\hands and to finish the hat and I'll be done! I'm very proud of this model, even though it does have some mistakes. It's the biggest and most difficult I've done so far :) Stay tuned for the full model in completion very soon!!
Comments are appreciated :D
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Just couldn't wait!
Hey folks!
I just couldn't wait for this Vivi Update, so here you go, and I'm sure I'll make more progress very soon!
Finally finished the bottom half!! |
I'm particularly proud of how well the back came out |
Vivi's Fireball, very small and cramp inducing! |
You can see how the pieces fit together |
Finished fireball |
Hey folks! I'm back again with my final spooktacular reblog post!
"Having posted my views on Environmental evidence, I move on now to Visual Evidence.
To me, Visual evidence of the paranormal is the most compelling, as it can be studied and analyzed to the most minute detail. There are photographs and videos all over the internet to be studied, and its easy and relatively inexpensive to go out and take pictures and video on an investigation.
First I would like to talk about authenticity, as it is the most important factor when analyzing visual evidence. It is a reality that everything can be faked with today's technology. The best video and photograph could be the result of an intelligent 14 year old and a copy of Photoshop, I've seen it done. So whats the point in analyzing evidence that has no way of verifying its authenticity?
There comes a point at which to critically analyze visual evidence you have to put aside your beliefs of whether something is real or has been faked. With visual evidence there are many methods of examination which can reveal the authenticity of the photograph, as in has it been tampered with physically or digitally. But there is no way of telling if the photographer has faked the scenario in question, setting it up to look supernatural before the picture is even taken. So there is an element of trust in question. In the end visual evidence really is no more convincing scientifically than Environmental evidence because of this. But it is much more compelling anecdotal evidence than any other kind.
Another reason I find visual evidence so interesting is that you can in fact be an expert in the field. Photography and Videography are very technical and precise fields, and to be an expert in them is to be an expert at analyzing visual evidence. I only wish I had the time and money to be such an expert, but I have my contacts that fill that "expert" need when I have it.
That out of the way, I'd like to drop a quote from a guide I wrote for The Atlantic Paranormal Society website in reference to posting visual evidence on the message boards and the reactions to expect, I've edited it for length and pertinance.
"Posting Etiquette, A sample guide:
4. Take responses to your posts or posted evidence with a grain of salt, a touch of humility, and a bucket full of understanding and patience. Just because you are 100% sure there is something paranormal about your picture doesnt mean there is. Dont get defensive about replies to your post or posted evidence, there will always be someone who disagree's with what you think you've found.
5. Be aware of your own attitude, if someone is irritating you subtly or you are getting frustrated with 9 out of 10 people saying your posted evidence is mundane, take a step back, keep your reaction in check, and proceed thoughtfully. Emotion is a wonderful thing when kept in control, passion for the field is a great quality, but can be very hurtful when left unchecked.
7. If someone tears your evidence apart, they are most likely doing so from a technical viewpoint, which is how it should be done. Using science, technology, and solid logic to debunk evidence is what makes the field more than just a pseudoscience, and if we are ever to become a fully respectable field of research and study, we must conform to the base principles of investigation and testing. So when someone shreds your evidence to pieces with concise and accurate methods of deduction, don't be offended, be honored that they spent that much time to debunk your evidence, and be happy that you can have a solid answer instead of a vague feeling of the veracity of the evidence."
These points are the ones that relate to real life events, whether it be a buddy showing you his cool photo of smoke that "looks like a face" or when you are showing off your own such photo's to others. Just remember, not everyone is a believer, but everyone likes a cool picture.
I have to give credit where its due, the reason I wrote the etiquette section of my visual evidence guide is thanks to a buddy on the TAPS message boards, Jackpot316. You can see the full guide and everyone elses comments and suggestions at http://www.tapsmainforum.com/index.php?topic=10499.0
And I highly suggest that you join the TAPS message boards, its very educational, entertaining, and you meet a lot of great people like jackpot316 Ncarnate78, Dreams4U, Mystical, and many more I don't have time to list, 0h, and I'm there too."
That's it for my Howloweeny posts, next time back to Papercraft and a much needed Vivi update!! Thanks for reading and please leave comments and click the "share" button below to post this on your facebook page!
"Having posted my views on Environmental evidence, I move on now to Visual Evidence.
To me, Visual evidence of the paranormal is the most compelling, as it can be studied and analyzed to the most minute detail. There are photographs and videos all over the internet to be studied, and its easy and relatively inexpensive to go out and take pictures and video on an investigation.
First I would like to talk about authenticity, as it is the most important factor when analyzing visual evidence. It is a reality that everything can be faked with today's technology. The best video and photograph could be the result of an intelligent 14 year old and a copy of Photoshop, I've seen it done. So whats the point in analyzing evidence that has no way of verifying its authenticity?
There comes a point at which to critically analyze visual evidence you have to put aside your beliefs of whether something is real or has been faked. With visual evidence there are many methods of examination which can reveal the authenticity of the photograph, as in has it been tampered with physically or digitally. But there is no way of telling if the photographer has faked the scenario in question, setting it up to look supernatural before the picture is even taken. So there is an element of trust in question. In the end visual evidence really is no more convincing scientifically than Environmental evidence because of this. But it is much more compelling anecdotal evidence than any other kind.
Another reason I find visual evidence so interesting is that you can in fact be an expert in the field. Photography and Videography are very technical and precise fields, and to be an expert in them is to be an expert at analyzing visual evidence. I only wish I had the time and money to be such an expert, but I have my contacts that fill that "expert" need when I have it.
That out of the way, I'd like to drop a quote from a guide I wrote for The Atlantic Paranormal Society website in reference to posting visual evidence on the message boards and the reactions to expect, I've edited it for length and pertinance.
"Posting Etiquette, A sample guide:
4. Take responses to your posts or posted evidence with a grain of salt, a touch of humility, and a bucket full of understanding and patience. Just because you are 100% sure there is something paranormal about your picture doesnt mean there is. Dont get defensive about replies to your post or posted evidence, there will always be someone who disagree's with what you think you've found.
5. Be aware of your own attitude, if someone is irritating you subtly or you are getting frustrated with 9 out of 10 people saying your posted evidence is mundane, take a step back, keep your reaction in check, and proceed thoughtfully. Emotion is a wonderful thing when kept in control, passion for the field is a great quality, but can be very hurtful when left unchecked.
7. If someone tears your evidence apart, they are most likely doing so from a technical viewpoint, which is how it should be done. Using science, technology, and solid logic to debunk evidence is what makes the field more than just a pseudoscience, and if we are ever to become a fully respectable field of research and study, we must conform to the base principles of investigation and testing. So when someone shreds your evidence to pieces with concise and accurate methods of deduction, don't be offended, be honored that they spent that much time to debunk your evidence, and be happy that you can have a solid answer instead of a vague feeling of the veracity of the evidence."
These points are the ones that relate to real life events, whether it be a buddy showing you his cool photo of smoke that "looks like a face" or when you are showing off your own such photo's to others. Just remember, not everyone is a believer, but everyone likes a cool picture.
I have to give credit where its due, the reason I wrote the etiquette section of my visual evidence guide is thanks to a buddy on the TAPS message boards, Jackpot316. You can see the full guide and everyone elses comments and suggestions at http://www.tapsmainforum.com/index.php?topic=10499.0
And I highly suggest that you join the TAPS message boards, its very educational, entertaining, and you meet a lot of great people like jackpot316 Ncarnate78, Dreams4U, Mystical, and many more I don't have time to list, 0h, and I'm there too."
That's it for my Howloweeny posts, next time back to Papercraft and a much needed Vivi update!! Thanks for reading and please leave comments and click the "share" button below to post this on your facebook page!
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Hey folks!
This is part 3 in my reblog of ghostiness, discussing types of paranormal evidence and such. Enjoy!
"This is the disclamer: I am no professional by any means. I only know from experience and general knowledge. Everything is IMO only.
I do alot of looking for physical evidence of the paranormal. I'd say 90% of the time its all completley normal, its that 10% of the time that gets us excited. Evidence ranges from visual- photographs and video, to aural- EVP's, sounds on tape or DAR, to Environmental- recorded measurments of EMF, tempurature fluctuations (cold\hot spots), even barometric pressure.
Today we will cover what is, in my opinion, the weakest of the three evidences: Environmental Evidence.
Environmental evidence is the least accurate and easiest to discount. Some may find that statement offensive or think it untrue. But the simple fact of the matter is that environmental evidence is unreliable and conjectural. It has not been proven that an EMF spike, or a change in barometric pressure, or tempurature fluctuations, have anything to do with the paranormal. I qualify that statement with this one: EMF and tempurature fluctuations have long been associated with paranormal activity, and it is a widely accepted means of determining activity within a location. But to a non-believer or an investigator debunking from a scientific standpoint as well as a believers view, conjectural evidence is weak to failing.
In the course of an investigation, I would indeed take all the environmental readings customarily taken, record the readings and thier locations and variables, make sure they are accurate and then continue on. These readings, as conjectural as they are, do seem to give a fairly accurate base reading of the activity level within a location. Through the studies of investigators around the world it has been found that these readings are reliable in thier general capacity.
So when telling someone of your investigations, make note of the environmental evidence, but dont emphasize it. Within the community, the readings will be understood, but outside of the field, the readings mean basically nothing. For example, if I was to say to a friend "I found 3 moving cold spots, the first two were accompanied by abnormal EMF readings and the third with a drop in barometric pressure." My friend would say "So?" even if he did understand the terms. But if I were to say that to someone who is an investigator, that would be fairly good evidence of activity.
However, if I were to explain the terms and the significance of the events simply as follows "hot/Cold spots are believed to be caused by paranormal activity, as are abnormal EMF readings and abnormal barometric pressure readings, and we experienced them all, 3 times in a short period." The friend would most likley say something like "So that means there might be some activity, interesting, do you have any other evidence?"
And at that point I would move on to Visual Evidence. Which I will do, in my next post.
Thanks for reading, as always feel free to comment on anything I write, I want your opinions!"
That's all folks! Stay tuned for tomorrows post!
This is part 3 in my reblog of ghostiness, discussing types of paranormal evidence and such. Enjoy!
"This is the disclamer: I am no professional by any means. I only know from experience and general knowledge. Everything is IMO only.
I do alot of looking for physical evidence of the paranormal. I'd say 90% of the time its all completley normal, its that 10% of the time that gets us excited. Evidence ranges from visual- photographs and video, to aural- EVP's, sounds on tape or DAR, to Environmental- recorded measurments of EMF, tempurature fluctuations (cold\hot spots), even barometric pressure.
Today we will cover what is, in my opinion, the weakest of the three evidences: Environmental Evidence.
Environmental evidence is the least accurate and easiest to discount. Some may find that statement offensive or think it untrue. But the simple fact of the matter is that environmental evidence is unreliable and conjectural. It has not been proven that an EMF spike, or a change in barometric pressure, or tempurature fluctuations, have anything to do with the paranormal. I qualify that statement with this one: EMF and tempurature fluctuations have long been associated with paranormal activity, and it is a widely accepted means of determining activity within a location. But to a non-believer or an investigator debunking from a scientific standpoint as well as a believers view, conjectural evidence is weak to failing.
In the course of an investigation, I would indeed take all the environmental readings customarily taken, record the readings and thier locations and variables, make sure they are accurate and then continue on. These readings, as conjectural as they are, do seem to give a fairly accurate base reading of the activity level within a location. Through the studies of investigators around the world it has been found that these readings are reliable in thier general capacity.
So when telling someone of your investigations, make note of the environmental evidence, but dont emphasize it. Within the community, the readings will be understood, but outside of the field, the readings mean basically nothing. For example, if I was to say to a friend "I found 3 moving cold spots, the first two were accompanied by abnormal EMF readings and the third with a drop in barometric pressure." My friend would say "So?" even if he did understand the terms. But if I were to say that to someone who is an investigator, that would be fairly good evidence of activity.
However, if I were to explain the terms and the significance of the events simply as follows "hot/Cold spots are believed to be caused by paranormal activity, as are abnormal EMF readings and abnormal barometric pressure readings, and we experienced them all, 3 times in a short period." The friend would most likley say something like "So that means there might be some activity, interesting, do you have any other evidence?"
And at that point I would move on to Visual Evidence. Which I will do, in my next post.
Thanks for reading, as always feel free to comment on anything I write, I want your opinions!"
That's all folks! Stay tuned for tomorrows post!
Monday, October 4, 2010
Re-blog Paranormal Halloweeny part 2
Hey Folks!
This is Part 2 of my Paranormal themed posts for the howl-o-ween season, you can get an idea of how I think and my religiosity through these posts, but also a glimpse into how the field of Paranormal Investigation isn't a bunch of kids breaking into abandoned houses and scaring themselves silly. The next two posts will be a bit more technical, but this post is personal, since I'm talking about my own beliefs and procedures. Comment, follow, share, etc :)
"This will be sort of a continuation of the first post I made. Of a more general nature, and with more thoughts than references.
Whenever I put forth my view of the paranormal in relation to Christianity, I get replies similar to those comments left for my last post. (thank you to those who commented). So invariably I have to delve deeper into my own theosophy (theology\philosophy, I made a new word.) of the subject.
I think the term "all things in moderation" fits well here. When I was a non-Christian, I engulfed myself in the occult and the paranormal, and I brought others with me as well. Its a burden I will bear for the rest of my life. Imagine bringing others to the occult, equipping them with knowledge and experience in the ungodly, then setting them on the path of wickedness, only to become a Christian later on in life. I imagine it is somewhat similar to how Saul\Paul felt after he was made blind and came to Christ.
While I was in the condition of the non-believer, I delved as deep as my own fear would allow, stopping short only when in fear of death either physical, or (if indeed possible) spiritual. So while my experience is extensive, I wont be telling fantastic stories of the kind, because it serves only to glamorize the lifestyle, and I stand against that. Instead I will attempt to use my experience to shed some light on the subject of the paranormal, and in turn show that it can be fascinating without being detrimental to life or faith.
As I said, moderation is the key. I dont devote myself to anything besides my family and God. I try to spread my time equally amongst my many hobbies after the first two priorities have been seen to.
Much like others I have talked to, I have a very strong urge and impulse to delve into the paranormal, be it ghosts, demons and angels, the enochian keys, astral travel, or anything else that doesnt involve drug use. I have found that when I let my urges get the best of me, I get set on a downward spiral, and my quality of life in general starts to decline drastically. I have also found then when I adhere to the guidelines I've set for myself, I do just fine.
Number 1. I dont do E.V.P.'s, or Electronic Voice Phenomenon. The Bible strictly forbids trying to make contact with the dead. Conducting an EVP session involves asking questions to any entity that may be in the vicinity and reviewing audio tape later to check for responses. If someone brings me an EVP to listen to, I will on occasion. But I will never participate in the EVP session itself. I also count the "mexican ultrasound", Ouija boards, ball or bowl scrying, and other such things in this rule.
Number 2. I dont research occultic religions too deeply. What good is it to me to know the kinds of herbs and stones used in a Gardenarian Wiccan Solstice Ceremony? To know of the ceremony, and the purpose of it, is plenty of reference material for discussion, debate, and interest.
If I hold myself fast to those 2 guidelines, I dont seem to have a problem. I can observe, categorize, document, and analyze anything paranormal, as long as I do it from a perspective of a Christian, and not just someone interested in the paranormal.
So you have my viewpoints and personal rules so far. I apply them to the entire range of things considered "paranormal", from UFO's to Shamanism, from ghosts to Satanism, and everything in between. Id like to know what you think, Whether you be Christian or not, skeptic, investgator, non-believer, or debunker, I am interested in all opinions and views.
Im open to questions, Ill post a blog in response to any good question I get. Also suggestions, if you feel you want to hear what I have to say on any given subject, simply let me know, and I will do my best to respond."
That's it for today, I think I'll post the other two over the next two days so I can get back on my regular schedule and get some music and papercraft posts up soon. Thanks for reading, Leave a comment!!
This is Part 2 of my Paranormal themed posts for the howl-o-ween season, you can get an idea of how I think and my religiosity through these posts, but also a glimpse into how the field of Paranormal Investigation isn't a bunch of kids breaking into abandoned houses and scaring themselves silly. The next two posts will be a bit more technical, but this post is personal, since I'm talking about my own beliefs and procedures. Comment, follow, share, etc :)
"This will be sort of a continuation of the first post I made. Of a more general nature, and with more thoughts than references.
Whenever I put forth my view of the paranormal in relation to Christianity, I get replies similar to those comments left for my last post. (thank you to those who commented). So invariably I have to delve deeper into my own theosophy (theology\philosophy, I made a new word.) of the subject.
I think the term "all things in moderation" fits well here. When I was a non-Christian, I engulfed myself in the occult and the paranormal, and I brought others with me as well. Its a burden I will bear for the rest of my life. Imagine bringing others to the occult, equipping them with knowledge and experience in the ungodly, then setting them on the path of wickedness, only to become a Christian later on in life. I imagine it is somewhat similar to how Saul\Paul felt after he was made blind and came to Christ.
While I was in the condition of the non-believer, I delved as deep as my own fear would allow, stopping short only when in fear of death either physical, or (if indeed possible) spiritual. So while my experience is extensive, I wont be telling fantastic stories of the kind, because it serves only to glamorize the lifestyle, and I stand against that. Instead I will attempt to use my experience to shed some light on the subject of the paranormal, and in turn show that it can be fascinating without being detrimental to life or faith.
As I said, moderation is the key. I dont devote myself to anything besides my family and God. I try to spread my time equally amongst my many hobbies after the first two priorities have been seen to.
Much like others I have talked to, I have a very strong urge and impulse to delve into the paranormal, be it ghosts, demons and angels, the enochian keys, astral travel, or anything else that doesnt involve drug use. I have found that when I let my urges get the best of me, I get set on a downward spiral, and my quality of life in general starts to decline drastically. I have also found then when I adhere to the guidelines I've set for myself, I do just fine.
Number 1. I dont do E.V.P.'s, or Electronic Voice Phenomenon. The Bible strictly forbids trying to make contact with the dead. Conducting an EVP session involves asking questions to any entity that may be in the vicinity and reviewing audio tape later to check for responses. If someone brings me an EVP to listen to, I will on occasion. But I will never participate in the EVP session itself. I also count the "mexican ultrasound", Ouija boards, ball or bowl scrying, and other such things in this rule.
Number 2. I dont research occultic religions too deeply. What good is it to me to know the kinds of herbs and stones used in a Gardenarian Wiccan Solstice Ceremony? To know of the ceremony, and the purpose of it, is plenty of reference material for discussion, debate, and interest.
If I hold myself fast to those 2 guidelines, I dont seem to have a problem. I can observe, categorize, document, and analyze anything paranormal, as long as I do it from a perspective of a Christian, and not just someone interested in the paranormal.
So you have my viewpoints and personal rules so far. I apply them to the entire range of things considered "paranormal", from UFO's to Shamanism, from ghosts to Satanism, and everything in between. Id like to know what you think, Whether you be Christian or not, skeptic, investgator, non-believer, or debunker, I am interested in all opinions and views.
Im open to questions, Ill post a blog in response to any good question I get. Also suggestions, if you feel you want to hear what I have to say on any given subject, simply let me know, and I will do my best to respond."
That's it for today, I think I'll post the other two over the next two days so I can get back on my regular schedule and get some music and papercraft posts up soon. Thanks for reading, Leave a comment!!
Friday, October 1, 2010
Re-Blog! Ghost time!
Hey folks,
In the spirit (lol) of the season the next few days I'm going to be posting on a subject that has fascinated me since I was a child, the paranormal! Ghosts, Demons, Angels, God, Monsters, UFOs, La Llorona, etc. I started a blog a long time ago discussing Religion and the Paranormal, but with work and music and family, I didn't have time for it.
A little about me and the paranormal:
I've been involved with the paranormal investigative (pi) field for ten years now. I've been a moderator for the TAPS Main Forum for the group TAPS who do the SciFi show Ghost Hunters for the last 3 or 4 years and a member of the forum since 2004, if your a member or go check it out, drop me a line my user-name is HOST_Zombie_slag. I've been on investigations in my area and consulted with groups and other PI's on clients, cases, evidence, methods, theories, recipes, movies, etc. over the last decade.
In case you didn't know, I'm Christian, and extremely conservative in my faith and politics, but not in my lifestyle, which makes me either a hypocrite or a complicated man, I prefer the latter and don't care if anyone thinks is the first :P haha. Anyways, I'm going to re-post the posts that I made in the shortlived blog I mentioned before because I like what I had to say, I think I had valid points and theories, and because I can.
So heres the first post, there will be 4 posts in this series and I think I'll pick it up again and continue it in amongst my papercraft, music, fishing, etc posts. Keep in mind these are from almost 4 years ago, so the fact that their awesome should be even more impressive! I like to think I have something for everyone, if by everyone I mean people interested in what I have, which should be you since your reading this, so "everyone" enjoy!
In my time as someone interested in the paranormal, I have had the chance to live a few different lifestyles. As a Christian, a Non-Christian, and many, many things in between the two.
I've found that there is a constant in regards to the paranormal, and that is this: It does exist. When I was a Non-Christian, I delved into many things not suitable for discussion here, or anywhere else. And in those times, I was all the more certain of the existance of another "world". A world of things not easily understood and even less easily explained in the mundane here-and-now.
Now the subject is ghosts, that is- The disembodied spirits of human beings post-mortem. Through my own amateur actions and studies, I have found proof enough for myself that ghosts do in fact exist. While it can be (and often is) argued that an encounter with a ghost is merely a misunderstood encounter with an Angel or Demon, I have always found myself believing in the possibility of ghosts in the sense of the definition above.
Having rejoined the Christian faith some years ago, I began wondering if my fascination with the paranormal was still a viable passtime in conjunction with my re-found faith in Christ. So I began asking various friends, family, and religious figures. I found that the majority of those I questioned didn't believe in ghosts, and furthermore deemed it an impossibility for a ghost to exist according to the Christian faith. Well, If anyone knows me, they will tell you I am enraged by impossibility. Everything is possible, especially within the Christian faith:
26Jesus looked at them and said, "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible."
Having satisfactorily refuted the point of impossibility, I moved on to precidence. To reconcile my belief that a human ghost could be contacted, observed, and indeed exist, with my belief in Jesus Christ and the Christian faith, I found I had only one option. Turn to the Bible for precidence. For those in the faith, the Bible is the only irrefutable evidence of anything, and to be shown an event in the Bible is to believe.
"There is one in Endor," they said.
8 So Saul disguised himself, putting on other clothes, and at night he and two men went to the woman. "Consult a spirit for me," he said, "and bring up for me the one I name."
9 But the woman said to him, "Surely you know what Saul has done. He has cut off the mediums and spiritists from the land. Why have you set a trap for my life to bring about my death?"
10 Saul swore to her by the LORD, "As surely as the LORD lives, you will not be punished for this."
11 Then the woman asked, "Whom shall I bring up for you?"
"Bring up Samuel," he said.
12 When the woman saw Samuel, she cried out at the top of her voice and said to Saul, "Why have you deceived me? You are Saul!"
13 The king said to her, "Don't be afraid. What do you see?"
The woman said, "I see a spirit [a] coming up out of the ground."
14 "What does he look like?" he asked.
"An old man wearing a robe is coming up," she said.
Then Saul knew it was Samuel, and he bowed down and prostrated himself with his face to the ground.
15 Samuel said to Saul, "Why have you disturbed me by bringing me up?"
"I am in great distress," Saul said. "The Philistines are fighting against me, and God has turned away from me. He no longer answers me, either by prophets or by dreams. So I have called on you to tell me what to do."
16 Samuel said, "Why do you consult me, now that the LORD has turned away from you and become your enemy? 17 The LORD has done what he predicted through me. The LORD has torn the kingdom out of your hands and given it to one of your neighbors—to David. 18 Because you did not obey the LORD or carry out his fierce wrath against the Amalekites, the LORD has done this to you today. 19 The LORD will hand over both Israel and you to the Philistines, and tomorrow you and your sons will be with me. The LORD will also hand over the army of Israel to the Philistines."
20 Immediately Saul fell full length on the ground, filled with fear because of Samuel's words. His strength was gone, for he had eaten nothing all that day and night.
21 When the woman came to Saul and saw that he was greatly shaken, she said, "Look, your maidservant has obeyed you. I took my life in my hands and did what you told me to do. 22 Now please listen to your servant and let me give you some food so you may eat and have the strength to go on your way."
23 He refused and said, "I will not eat."
But his men joined the woman in urging him, and he listened to them. He got up from the ground and sat on the couch.
24 The woman had a fattened calf at the house, which she butchered at once. She took some flour, kneaded it and baked bread without yeast. 25 Then she set it before Saul and his men, and they ate. That same night they got up and left.
Now, one may gather from the preceeding passage that the witch of Endor could have been faking, pulling one over on Saul for whatever reason. But if you take notice, after describing the spirit to Saul, The witch of Endor is out of the picture. From that point on it is the spirit of Samuel conversing with Saul himself. A conversation without interjection by the medium.
So in conclusion, I have found that within the Christian faith, there is possibility, precedence, and for believers of the faith, indeed proof of the existance of Ghosts. At least on one occasion.
Stay Tuned for more ghosty goodness!!
In the spirit (lol) of the season the next few days I'm going to be posting on a subject that has fascinated me since I was a child, the paranormal! Ghosts, Demons, Angels, God, Monsters, UFOs, La Llorona, etc. I started a blog a long time ago discussing Religion and the Paranormal, but with work and music and family, I didn't have time for it.
A little about me and the paranormal:
I've been involved with the paranormal investigative (pi) field for ten years now. I've been a moderator for the TAPS Main Forum for the group TAPS who do the SciFi show Ghost Hunters for the last 3 or 4 years and a member of the forum since 2004, if your a member or go check it out, drop me a line my user-name is HOST_Zombie_slag. I've been on investigations in my area and consulted with groups and other PI's on clients, cases, evidence, methods, theories, recipes, movies, etc. over the last decade.
In case you didn't know, I'm Christian, and extremely conservative in my faith and politics, but not in my lifestyle, which makes me either a hypocrite or a complicated man, I prefer the latter and don't care if anyone thinks is the first :P haha. Anyways, I'm going to re-post the posts that I made in the shortlived blog I mentioned before because I like what I had to say, I think I had valid points and theories, and because I can.
So heres the first post, there will be 4 posts in this series and I think I'll pick it up again and continue it in amongst my papercraft, music, fishing, etc posts. Keep in mind these are from almost 4 years ago, so the fact that their awesome should be even more impressive! I like to think I have something for everyone, if by everyone I mean people interested in what I have, which should be you since your reading this, so "everyone" enjoy!
In my time as someone interested in the paranormal, I have had the chance to live a few different lifestyles. As a Christian, a Non-Christian, and many, many things in between the two.
I've found that there is a constant in regards to the paranormal, and that is this: It does exist. When I was a Non-Christian, I delved into many things not suitable for discussion here, or anywhere else. And in those times, I was all the more certain of the existance of another "world". A world of things not easily understood and even less easily explained in the mundane here-and-now.
Now the subject is ghosts, that is- The disembodied spirits of human beings post-mortem. Through my own amateur actions and studies, I have found proof enough for myself that ghosts do in fact exist. While it can be (and often is) argued that an encounter with a ghost is merely a misunderstood encounter with an Angel or Demon, I have always found myself believing in the possibility of ghosts in the sense of the definition above.
Having rejoined the Christian faith some years ago, I began wondering if my fascination with the paranormal was still a viable passtime in conjunction with my re-found faith in Christ. So I began asking various friends, family, and religious figures. I found that the majority of those I questioned didn't believe in ghosts, and furthermore deemed it an impossibility for a ghost to exist according to the Christian faith. Well, If anyone knows me, they will tell you I am enraged by impossibility. Everything is possible, especially within the Christian faith:
Matthew 19:26 (New International Version)
New International Version (NIV) Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society
26Jesus looked at them and said, "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible."
Mark 9:23 (New International Version)
23" 'If you can'?" said Jesus. "Everything is possible for him who believes."Mark 14:36 (New International Version)
36"Abba,[a] Father," he said, "everything is possible for you. Take this cup from me. Yet not what I will, but what you will."Mark 10:27 (New International Version)
27Jesus looked at them and said, "With man this is impossible, but not with God; all things are possible with God."
1 Samuel 28:7-25 (New International Version)
7 Saul then said to his attendants, "Find me a woman who is a medium, so I may go and inquire of her.""There is one in Endor," they said.
8 So Saul disguised himself, putting on other clothes, and at night he and two men went to the woman. "Consult a spirit for me," he said, "and bring up for me the one I name."
9 But the woman said to him, "Surely you know what Saul has done. He has cut off the mediums and spiritists from the land. Why have you set a trap for my life to bring about my death?"
10 Saul swore to her by the LORD, "As surely as the LORD lives, you will not be punished for this."
11 Then the woman asked, "Whom shall I bring up for you?"
"Bring up Samuel," he said.
12 When the woman saw Samuel, she cried out at the top of her voice and said to Saul, "Why have you deceived me? You are Saul!"
13 The king said to her, "Don't be afraid. What do you see?"
The woman said, "I see a spirit [a] coming up out of the ground."
14 "What does he look like?" he asked.
"An old man wearing a robe is coming up," she said.
Then Saul knew it was Samuel, and he bowed down and prostrated himself with his face to the ground.
15 Samuel said to Saul, "Why have you disturbed me by bringing me up?"
"I am in great distress," Saul said. "The Philistines are fighting against me, and God has turned away from me. He no longer answers me, either by prophets or by dreams. So I have called on you to tell me what to do."
16 Samuel said, "Why do you consult me, now that the LORD has turned away from you and become your enemy? 17 The LORD has done what he predicted through me. The LORD has torn the kingdom out of your hands and given it to one of your neighbors—to David. 18 Because you did not obey the LORD or carry out his fierce wrath against the Amalekites, the LORD has done this to you today. 19 The LORD will hand over both Israel and you to the Philistines, and tomorrow you and your sons will be with me. The LORD will also hand over the army of Israel to the Philistines."
20 Immediately Saul fell full length on the ground, filled with fear because of Samuel's words. His strength was gone, for he had eaten nothing all that day and night.
21 When the woman came to Saul and saw that he was greatly shaken, she said, "Look, your maidservant has obeyed you. I took my life in my hands and did what you told me to do. 22 Now please listen to your servant and let me give you some food so you may eat and have the strength to go on your way."
23 He refused and said, "I will not eat."
But his men joined the woman in urging him, and he listened to them. He got up from the ground and sat on the couch.
24 The woman had a fattened calf at the house, which she butchered at once. She took some flour, kneaded it and baked bread without yeast. 25 Then she set it before Saul and his men, and they ate. That same night they got up and left.
Now, one may gather from the preceeding passage that the witch of Endor could have been faking, pulling one over on Saul for whatever reason. But if you take notice, after describing the spirit to Saul, The witch of Endor is out of the picture. From that point on it is the spirit of Samuel conversing with Saul himself. A conversation without interjection by the medium.
So in conclusion, I have found that within the Christian faith, there is possibility, precedence, and for believers of the faith, indeed proof of the existance of Ghosts. At least on one occasion.
Stay Tuned for more ghosty goodness!!
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